Contracts are the lifeblood of any business, yet effective contract lifecycle management (CLM) remains one of the key challenges faced by enterprise organisations today.
Contracts are touched by everyone and owned by no-one in an organisation. Legal, Procurement, Sales, Risk, Operations, Finance and individual business units all have some stake in either the creation, management or ultimate outcome of contracts, or the processes related to contracting – but no one person or team overlooks the entire lifecycle. This leads to inefficiencies, value loss, and suboptimal value optimisation affecting multiple stakeholders, and a lack of clear focus from the organisation overall. The average contract loses 8.6% of its value from the point of signature to termination which, when scaled up across your entire contract portfolio, can result in losses of millions per year.
Introducing contracting excellence
‘Contracting excellence’ is all about driving efficiency and effectiveness of your contract lifecycle through proactive contract management and the removal of friction from your CLM processes.
Is your organisation managing contractual business relationships through ‘Contracting Excellence’ to unlock contractual value, or are you seeing continuous value erosion?
Whether you need support getting started with your transformation or bringing your team along for the journey, our interactive Contract Excellence Masterclasses help you get there.
In a tailored workshop, we deep dive into the fundamentals of building a successful contracting function and the practical steps you can take to deliver meaningful change for your organisation.
We will:
- Dissect the ‘Contracts Problem’ and its implications at enterprise scale
- Deep dive into ‘Contracting Excellence’ and how it can address your key pain points
- Outline the practical steps you can take to apply Contracting Excellence within your organisation
- Share industry best practice and benchmark your contracting function against industry peers
- Facilitate a group exercise, designed around your organisation’s objectives, to design and define clear next steps to take your transformation forward
Click on the PDF below to find out more.
We will be hosting a Contracting Excellence introduction webinar on Thursday 5 September, click here to register: EMEA Dbriefs Legal | Driving value from your contracts | Deloitte UK